Are you looking for more crafts to do but running low on supplies? Are you missing your favorite trails? Make your own puzzle using things you have at home!
What You’ll Need
- An empty snack box or other scrap cardboard
- Pen or pencil
- Markers or paint and brushes
- Scissors or a box cutter
- Take an empty snack box and cut off the front or back.
- Use a pencil to draw your favorite trail or activity to do in the park.
- Using paint or markers, color in the picture so that no cardboard is left showing.
- Flip the piece of cardboard over and use a pen or marker to draw lines for your puzzle pieces. To make it easier, draw bigger pieces, or smaller pieces to make it harder.
- Use scissors or a box cutter to cut the pieces out and there you have it!

Hint: Take a picture of your finished drawing before cutting it so you can remember what the finished puzzle looks like.
Don’t forget to share photos of your puzzles with us on social media using #forcvnp or by tagging us!
You can also email your creations to us at connect@forcvnp.org for a chance to have them featured on our website and social media channels!
Click here for more spring time activities you can do at home.
The Conservancy is a nonprofit friends group for Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Our goals are to improve visitor experiences, and provide meaningful, life-enhancing programs to our communities. If you would like to join us in protecting the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, please consider supporting your park today.