We love reusable water bottles, but the reality is there are still a lot of plastic water bottles out there. We can recycle them or, in this case, use them to create something fun! For this water bottle craft, we’re going to make colorful fish!
What You’ll Need
- Recycled plastic water bottles
- Scissors
- Paint and brushes or markers
- Stapler
- Tape (optional)
- Googly eyes (optional)
- Newspaper or something to cover work surface
Helpful Tip: Wash or sanitize your bottle and let it dry completely before starting this craft.
Step 1
With the cap off, pinch and flatten the middle of your bottle (the part you generally grip while holding it).
Step 2

Once you’ve flattened it best you can, take your scissors and cut a triangle into each side.
Cut off the bottom of the water bottle, leaving some length past the triangle cuts for the fish’s tail.
Helpful Tip: Hang onto the bottle lid and bottom for later.
Step 3

Add some color! Use paint or markers to decorate your bottle like a fish. You can either use your favorite colors and create a design of your own, or look up a specific type of fish and try to recreate it.
Helpful Tip: Try painting the inside of the bottle so that it lasts longer—especially if you plan on hanging it outside! You could also use a sealant spray or top coat.
Step 4

Glue on googly eyes or draw/paint your own! You can also put the lid back on and color it as the mouth.
Step 5
Once your fish is completely dry, pinch the bottle together at the tail and staple it to keep it closed.
Optional Step

At this point, your fish friend is complete! If you would like to hang your fish for display, take the bottom of the water bottle that you cut off earlier and cut it so it spirals out into a long strand. You can then tape or staple it to your fish and hang it wherever you’d like!
Don’t forget to share photos of your recycled water bottle fish with us on social media using #forcvnp or by tagging us!
You can also email your creations to us at connect@forcvnp.org for a chance to have them featured on our website and social media channels!
Click here for more spring time activities you can do at home.
The Conservancy is a nonprofit friends group for Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Our goals are to improve visitor experiences, and provide meaningful, life-enhancing programs to our communities. If you would like to join us in protecting the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, please consider supporting your park today.