Buckeye Trail: Station Road Bridge To Boston
At A Glance
Station Road Bridge straddles a gorgeous expanse of the CVNP system; it’s a famous landmark of the entire park and makes for a great photo opportunity. But there is far more to this stretch than a click-and-go. Buckeye Trail weaves in and out of the Valley like a snake; many of the stops are among the most picturesque to be had in all of Northeast Ohio. Trekkers wanting to stay longer will find the Stanford House and campsites available for overnight stays.

From North or South: Take I-77; exit onto Rt. 82 (exit #149). Head east, past Rt. 21 and enter Cleveland Metroparks Parkway to Riverview Rd. Cross road into Station Road Bridge parking area. Entrance to the park is free; fees for special programs and additional accesses may be required. Tickets are required for the Scenic Railroad.
What Makes it Great
This section of the trail runs you through what has been referred to elsewhere as (arguably) “the heart of the 33,000-acre Cuyahoga Valley National Park.” Several villages, two counties and many disparate destinations meet here, but the park system’s heart and soul is here, with Brandywine Falls, Blue Hen Falls, the Happy Days Lodge and Boston Mills Ski Resort decorating one end.
Who Is Going to Love It
Hikers and runners looking for a challenge. The Buckeye Trail offers many a good trail run, and the 12 miles that span Boston to Station Road Bridge can be tough and downright demanding for a trail runner. To that end, make sure that everyone in your group is up to the challenge.