Wildflowers of CVNP

We’ve all heard “April showers bring May flowers,” and this year, May showers brought us some great wildflowers!
As you hike through CVNP this spring, take a few extra moments to enjoy some of the lovely wildflowers blooming all along the trails. Take a screenshot of our wildflower search and bring it along with you on your adventure to see if you can identify any of our favorites.

A wildflower search featuring trillium, wild geranium, daffodils, flowering bluets, and golden ragwort.

Are you finding more types of wildflowers than we have on our list? Keep reading to see how you can join the Wildflowers of CVNP iNaturalist project.  

Great White Trillium

Great White Trillium: Flower with three white oblong petals that are shaped similar to leaves. The overlapping curve of the petals give the flower a unique funnel shape.
Photo: Conservancy Staff

Great White Trillium is one of fifty different Trillium species. They flower from late April to early June. It can take two years for trillium seed to germinate, and another five to seven years for Trillium to bloom, making this a flower well worth the wait!  

Wild Geranium

Wild Geranium: A purplish-pink flower with 5 petals and 10 yellow stamens that turn brown with age. The petals are streaked with darker lines along the length.
Photo: Conservancy Staff

Wild geranium flowers beautiful pale purplish pink petals. This wildflower can flourish almost anywhere in eastern North America, with habitats including both floodplain and upland woodlands, savannas, meadows, and prairies.  


Daffodils: Pale yellow flowers, with a darker central trumpet. Often grown in large clusters, there are around 50 daffodils in this picture.
Photo: Conservancy Staff

Daffodils are one of the early signs of Spring in Ohio because they flower early mid-April. Unfortunately, most of them have completed flowering by the first week of May. Daffodils make great flowers for a garden because they are perennial, and the deer don’t eat them.  

Flowering Bluets

Flowering bluets: These flowers have four pale blue petals. The flowers are small and low to the ground.
Photo: Conservancy Staff

Flowering bluets are often called “Quaker Ladies” in reference to their shape being similar to hats once worn by women of the Quaker faith. Others say the name is because of their pale color, similar to fabric used for Quaker women’s dresses. Whatever the reason, these small clumps of flowers add beauty to shaded wooded areas throughout the park!  

Golden Ragwort

Golden Ragwort: Clusters of yellow, daisy-like flowers atop sparsely-leaved stems.
Photo: Conservancy Staff

Packera aurea, commonly known as golden ragwort is a yellow flower that blooms in April. Golden ragwort is commonly known for attracting butterflies.  

Become a Citizen Scientist

Looking for more? Download the iNaturalist app to join our Wildflowers of CVNP project. When you visit the park and see a cool wildflower, simply snap a few pictures. The app will help you identify what you’re seeing.

If you aren’t sure of the identification, don’t worry! The iNaturalist community is full of scientists waiting to help. We look forward to seeing you there!

"Wildflowers of Cuyahoga Valley National Park" webpage. You can easily add an observation, or read some of the most observed species.
Screenshot of iNaturalist webpage
This part of the "Wildflowers of Cuyahoga Valley National Park" webpage shows a map of the park where red and green pins represent all of the observations found so far. There is also a grid of images titled "Recent observations," showing what wildflowers hikers have found so far.
Screenshot of iNaturalist webpage

Don’t forget to share photos of wildflowers with us on social media using #forcvnp or by tagging us!

You can also email your photos to us at connect@forcvnp.org for a chance to have them featured on our website and social media channels!

Click here for more spring time activities you can do at home.

The Conservancy is a nonprofit friends group for Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Our goals are to improve visitor experiences, and provide meaningful, life-enhancing programs to our communities. If you would like to join us in protecting the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, please consider supporting your park today.

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